Sunday, December 17, 2006

Not Again

On Friday we had an appointment for pictures. The plan was to get a family picture done and then one with just Hailey and Braden. So, of course, Braden wouldn't go down for a nap and was grouchy but we hoped for the best. We got all ready and drove across the whole city only to find out that there had been a mix up and either I wrote down the wrong time on the calendar or they put our name in the wrong spot so we had missed our appt. Needless to say I was a bit choked but thankfully they decided to take us anyways. We got a family picture done and then Braden started to freak out so that was that at least we got a family picture.
We went back today to pick up the pictures. Vince went in to get them and brought them back. They were completely out of focus. Braden's face as well as mine were all fuzzy. After all that and the pictures didn't even work out. Nooooooooo!!! We went and talked to the girls and they agreed that the pictured were bad so tomorrow we have yet another appointment to try this out again.


Janice said...

umm i thougth it was the 24th? i have to work the on the 26th :( let me know about the 24th

Janice said...

whats your email? mine is what dates are you guys down here for?