Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Any Suggestions??

We are trying to come up with a plan for summer holidays and want to try possibly a different location. Does anyone have any campgrounds that they would recommend? We are kind of looking for something in BC, maybe the Okanogan. We are not set on a location so any suggestions would be great, just somewhere fairly kid friendly.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Hailey and Braden can be the best of friends and then the worst of enemies all in about two minutes. We wake up in the morning and they are so happy and loving with each other but as the day progresses the frustration starts to peek through every once in a while. After nap time they are refreshed and getting along great and then the same thing happens, which is normal. Hailey is a perfectionist through and through and likes things just so, and well, Braden likes to destroy whatever she's doing. Poor Hailey. Although Braden gets upset when he wants to play with her and she won't let him. Her newest thing is playing in her room with Barbies and if Braden comes in her room she pickes him up under his arms, and throws him out the door. Poor Braden.
Braden has started to say a few words like the typical mama, dada, hi, and he attempts to say love you. His two newest words he's added to his repertoire especially for Hailey are don't and bad...proof of an older sibling I guess.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas and New Year's have come and gone and we are settling back into our routine again, which is nice. The excitement has faded and the kids are back to their normal sleeping habits. Christmas was lots of fun. We visited both families and the kids had a blast, with new toys and having someones undivided attention every moment that they were awake. We had lots of good food including two big turkey dinners.
I also learnt again this Christmas that presents are not the highlight of Christmas even for the kids. Getting present after present is very overwhelming. All the kids wanted was for someone to play with them. Halfway through present opening Hailey was done and all she wanted was for someone to play hide and seek with her. I think so often we over do it with presents, especially for the kids, thinking that is what they want...but they don't. It was proved to me once again when just after Christmas we were doing some errands and we told Hailey that she could pick out one toy or Barbie or whatever with some of the Christmas money she had gotten. I was shocked when she looked at me and said "no mama, I already have lots of toys". I was so shocked, yet happy and sort of proud of her. I think this just proves that I think most of the time we overdo it with presents at Christmas time and need to remember that Christmas is not about presents it is a celebration of Jesus' birth.